Chain Mail Jewelry – June 8, 2024


Class rescheduled from May 18 to June 8.

When chain maille armor fell out of fashion, maille workers began making jewelry. This class will teach you to make three new patterns as well as get familiar with smaller rings. If you love to make gifts for friends and loved ones. 

3 in stock


This class is about the finer arts of making chain mail. We will teach you to make the Viper Basket, Helm and Half-Persian chains as well as getting you used to making smaller items as well. Having working knowledge of chain mail and basic skills is extremely important as this class is for those that wish to explore the art more than just basics. 

Students may want to bring their own pliers, or we will have some available for use during the class.

Supplies for the class are included in the price.

Chain Mail students must be at least 16 years old. Parents of students under 18 must be on-site during class time.